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Feb. 7, 2024

Episode 070 | 3 Podcast Guest Interview Ingredients to Boost Sales Every Time/ SHOWNOTES

Episode 070 | 3 Podcast Guest Interview Ingredients to Boost Sales Every Time/ SHOWNOTES

Want to create a profitable multi-six-figure podcast of your own? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop

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and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 6 figures and beyond.

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Want to create a profitable multi-six-figure podcast of your own? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop

Get my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes
and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 6 figures and beyond.

Join 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Podcast Sales Made Easy newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month.

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You have 30 minutes within a guest interview to make an impact. How do you do that so you get those listeners to take action? to book in a call, to sign up to your email list, to come follow your own show. Well, that's what we're talking about today when it comes to guest interviews. Hi, I'm Viv Guy, seven figure business owner turned online mentor on a mission to help struggling coaches and course creators to navigate the rollercoaster that is running an online business so that you can attract dream clients.

and hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month so that you can reach six figures and beyond. If you're ready to create a thriving and profitable podcast to accelerate your audience growth, engagement, and sales, tune in each week as I throw back the curtain and share all the insider secrets I've learned from 20 years of entrepreneurship.

[00:01:00] You'll learn how to market, sell, and grow a thriving, sustainable online business in a way that's That's fun, makes you money, and allows you the freedom to thrive. This is Podcast Sales Made Easy.

And welcome to today's episode, where we are talking about the step beyond pitching. So our previous episode was all about how to get more yeses as a guest with pitching to other shows. Why are we pitching? Because we want to get in front of new audiences. It's all about discoverability, okay? Visibility.

Okay. We want to be seen by more people because more eyes on you on your content means more opportunities. for growth, okay? For your own podcast, for your own audience, your email list, your revenue, your profitability, so on and so forth. So we've talked about that in our previous episode. Now, we've got in the door, we've got our foot in the door, [00:02:00] we have got a yes from the host, we want you in the show.

We've settled down to do our episode recording. We've got 30 minutes, 30 minutes to, to make our mark, to make an impact. So how do we do that? How do we end that episode and that when that show drops, how do we ensure that we're going to have people knocking on our door saying, how can I work with you? Can I book in a call or your call to action is book a call, they're booking in a call.

How do you ensure you end up with a calendar and diary full of book, call bookings or whatever or your webinar is booked out? How do we do that? Because I'm going to tell you now. And I'm all about the shares here. As I say, I made my first seven figures in my twenties. It was no freaking walk in the park getting there.

I made a load of mistakes. But just because I hit seven figures in that business did not mean it [00:03:00] was smooth running when I started my next business and my next business, because I went into the online space, which was new to me. So I had a whole new load of learning to do, a whole load of new mistakes to make.

And one of those mistakes was when it came to guesting on podcasts. People were always like, you've got great energy, you'll be great on a podcast. And sure, I had great energy. I was pretty entertaining. A bit like a circus act, almost. But yeah, and sure, I could have a great conversation, I'd often pull out my soapbox and like get on my soapbox, get all ranty, and it was sort of interesting.

It did not generate conversions. And I remember saying to my coach like, freaking hell, how many of these, like, how many times do I need to guess before I kind of throw in the towel on this? And I'll be honest, I threw in the towel for a while, while, because I wasn't getting the conversions. And because, you know, [00:04:00] I do not like rejection and I saw that not getting conversions, not getting anyone taking a call to action, signing up for my email list, da da da, whatever was happening back then, I took it as a, as a rejection.

I'm not good enough. What I've got to offer is not good enough. And that is just not the case. If you're feeling like that, it's not the case. The reality is You have not structured an episode, you know, or an episode has not been structured. You have not come prepared to an episode. And I wasn't prepared. I had my core topic, like, this is my thing.

But actually, did I have very specific things that I knew were fundamental within an episode, within an interview that I needed to talk about in a specific way? that would generate conversions. Because [00:05:00] we've talked about this way back when in, I think it was episode 61, episode 61 or 62. And we talked very much about the fact that, you know, just churning out content, churning out like tips is not enough on its own.

We have to get people buying into like what we do. And that involves shifting people's beliefs, their perspective, like reframing like what they. Believe Now. Like, what do they need to understand? What do they need to believe in order to work with you? So, The content I was creating, it wasn't structured. I wasn't covering the key things I needed to cover.

I wasn't Speaking to people on a subconscious level. Okay, it wasn't dialed in. It was me going in pretty freaking preachy. with like, you know, jazz hands on the go and all that energy. But fundamentally it was me going in preaching like, this is what you should do, this is why, you know, um, blah [00:06:00] blah blah, this is why what you're doing is bad.

But actually that is not going to get people buying in to what you want to do. So we have to think about that, that structure. So I sucked. I sucked big time. And I, I stepped away from it for a while because I was like, I don't like this. I don't like this because I don't like the rejection. Instead, what I should have done.

Which I did later, was go and study other episodes. Why do these episodes work? Like, why do these people convert? Why are they having so, so much success? Like, freaking hell, let's go have a look at Amy Porterfield. All right, she's like a celebrity, like, and we're not all Amy Porterfields and James Wedsmores and so on and so forth.

Mel Abraham, uh, Mel Robbins. Sorry, do that again. Mel Robbins, Jasmine Stiles. We're not those celebrity kind of people. However, Let's look at what works. Like, why are we engaged? Why are we compelled to take an action? And that's what we need to do with the content and with your interviews. So, let's [00:07:00] have a look.

And this is something I cover in TCC, the Conversion Cure Mentorship Program that I run. Okay, we cover all four quadrants of how to create a profitable business using podcasting. Okay, so podcasting is the platform, is the medium, is the tool that we use for your marketing. Okay, but then we obviously look at how, how do we, like, what are those profit conversion mechanisms?

What is that content? What is the core messaging? What are the foundations? What is the offer? Okay, so we look at the whole picture. So we cover this in there, but I wanted to share this with you because it's so, so important, and I don't want you to spend so much time kind of going in and guesting and getting like no results.

I want you to have results. So the first thing we need to think about is specificity. Specificity. Know the problem. Call out who it's for. Like, let's start by talking about like, the [00:08:00] specific problems. And again, I think we talked about this in, I'm gonna say episode 61 off, off, off my memory from, from the top of my head, where we very much talked about speaking to people's subconscious.

We need to have people understand that what we're saying is relevant for them on a subconscious level because our brains, we, we have so much decision fatigue. We have so many decisions to make on a daily basis, millions of decisions, and so many of those happen on a subconscious level. So we want to speak to the subconscious mind and we do that by being specific.

So this is where we want to be dialed in and really clear on the one problem we solve. Okay, that one problem, the big problem. And it will present in different ways, like the problems will be manifesting and showing up in someone's life in different ways, and we need to be specific. So that is the first thing.

Because otherwise, what happens is, people are going to tune out straight away. They're going to be like, this isn't for me, or I don't really know that this is for me, I'm not really going to [00:09:00] listen, I'm not going to be like 100%, I'm on my run, or I'm at the gym, but I'm going to kind of be a little bit distracted, whereas when we've got them, I want you to think of like, imagine people sitting back in their seats, kind of listening at university, you know, you're kind of in the lecture and you're listening and you're like, Hmm, yeah, okay.

But then someone says something and has you leaning forward in your seat. Or a movie, you go to a movie, it's like, you know, it's, it's good movie. It's interesting. But then suddenly, WAH! You sit forward in your seat because something like just came out of nowhere, caught you by surprise, it like, it grabbed your attention.

You know, so you were kind of cruising along, it grabbed your attention. That's what I want your, your, your intro, your opening, your specificity to do, to be dialed in so people go from just kind of like, yeah, this is, this is another episode, to wow, okay, yes, now I'm listening.

The second thing we need to [00:10:00] include, we need to think about, like, your leverage. Why should they listen to you? Who are you? You are someone they've maybe never heard of before. They don't know anything about you. Why should they listen to you? So this is where we have to establish your credibility. And you hear me talk about this a lot.

The three things that must be true. for you to be able to sell and to have a viable business. Relevance, credibility, and value. So credibility, there's, there's two elements of trusting here, but one of those elements is like trusting that you, why you? Why should they listen to you? So this is where you get to bring in your authority, your expertise.

Okay. sharing like your credentials, sharing like some client results, you know, I've worked with 1, 500 students who've got this results, I've transformed lives with this, I have cured 700 people who [00:11:00] were suffering with chronic back pain or migraines or whatever it might be. So we want to kind of open with some sort of powerful leverage, some credibility, like this is why they should listen to you.

The next thing we want to do, the next kind of part of your episode is positioning yourself as the go to expert in your niche. So this is still in credibility, this is our next part. As a leader, a thought leader, okay? And this is where your signature content comes in. This is what you're going to craft way before you ever get to an interview, way before you even start pitching, is your signature content.

Okay? It's not salesy. There is no sale, salesy, slimy, sleazy, shite going on in here at all. Okay? These are the key points. The things that we want people to know. The stories in here that are going to help people kind of [00:12:00] Buy into and go on this journey with you as to like why, why these things are essential, needed, why they need to change what they're doing now.

This is where we start to shift perspective. We want to get people buying into your point of view at this point. So this is where that signature content comes in. Because remember what's keeping people stuck right now in a pain point is they have a belief, a belief that is keeping them stuck. And we need to shift that belief by discrediting it, by shifting that perspective and bringing them along and getting them to buy into another perspective and point of view.

And that's what's really important within this section. Now there is a way of doing that, okay? There are several ways of doing that. But that is fundamentally what we have to do within this section. The next thing is, we need to think about our call to action. So, as I did, back [00:13:00] in the day, for lunch, and I hear people do this all the time, when their host says, so, Viv, how can people connect with you?

Well, you can find me, and I give my website, Instagram handle, Facebook, I mean, you might give TikTok. Duh duh duh duh duh. Like, you know, come find me at all these places. And you give that as your call to action. Like, come engage with me, come hang out with me. That's the call to action. That is a shitty call to action.

Like, sure, people can come find you. But actually, why, like, what's in it for them? Like, why would they? Offer them something of value. Okay, so if you are kind of listening to all this thinking, that is for me. And you want to, but you're kind of thinking, Oh my gosh, that sounds like an awful lot. Well, I host a weekly, a monthly, a fortnightly, like masterclass workshop.

Me and you, like, you know, it's really intimate and we have 10 people, [00:14:00] whatever. Come along. It's a no pitch workshop, but I'm going to go deeper on this with you. Because I know there's only so much we can do in this episode here. So you can find out and discover more about how to implement this within your business.

It's a natural progression. Do you see it's a natural next step? You might say, I want to offer you a call. Calls convert very well for me. Or they have converted very well in the past, and they continue to. So I invite people to a call. A no pitch, no sales, you can't buy anything if you wanted to, call with me.

Where you come away with the three key areas highlighted that are going to help you move along in your business and shift the needle in your business. We're going to uncover, and that's what you're going to get from that call. Three key areas to go away and work on. So people are bought into those kind of things.

What I see happening so often is people will have, I don't know, a free PDF or a free audio or something. E book. People are not compelled to take [00:15:00] action because actually, what is in it for them? Like, what is the value for them? How does it move them away from the pain point they are in right now? Because you've said how, like, what you do, you said what you're great.

And often the PDF, the freebie, is too closely aligned to what you've already talked about. They've kind of got the value from that conversation. So unless it's really powerful, they're not going to do it. They're not going to take the action. And I also want you to remember the way people are consuming podcasts.

They're generally doing it while they're multitasking. They're doing something else. Cooking, at the gym, out for a run, driving. So your call to action, like I say, has to be car stoppingly good. If you're driving along, and I've done this, and I hear a call to action and I think, Shit, like I have got to stop as soon as I can.

As soon as it's safe for me to stop, I'm going to stop because I need to kind of just get that link while it's in my brain. Sign up, register, whatever. Because that is amazing, like, I [00:16:00] need that thing. I really do. And that's what we want to, that's how compelling that call to action needs to be. So don't like give people and bombard them with all the ways they can find you.

I want you to give them one really powerful call to action, a call, a webinar, whatever that one profit conversion mechanism is, which we've discussed in previous episodes, because you're going to have one because we are doing mastery. We are keeping things simple. So whatever that one thing is, that is your main call to action.

And then you can add in, and you can also come follow me on my podcast. Podcast Sales Made Easy, or whatever the name of your podcast is. That's it. All the other links can go in the freaking show notes. What do we want? We want you to get conversions. That is what I want you to get from your guesting. Okay?

Conversions. Sales conversions. Conversations. Calls. Because those people who are not ready to take the action, what they're going to do is they are going to They're going to come find you. They're going to [00:17:00] come hang out with you. They're going to come and listen to your podcast or they're going to come find you if you don't have a podcast on socials or wherever you are.

And then they will have that opportunity to book in a call or sign up to your email list or register for a webinar, whatever it might be at a later date. So you will still be capturing those, but right now they're not ready. They're not. They're not compelled enough to take the action. Think about when we've spoken about in previous episodes, we talk about, uh, marketing is like dating.

It takes time for people to take that next step with you. Some people are more ready than others to jump faster. Hello, that's why we have like Gretna Green in England for those people that suddenly decide I want to get married tomorrow. We've dated, we've been dating for a week. Let's get married! Versus those like me and my husband who were together, um, and didn't get married for like 11 years.

Um, so, you know, there are people that take their time, there are people that go at it quickly. So, be aware of that. There will be other opportunities as long as we give the appropriate calls to action and we, you know, people can find us in another way. [00:18:00] Now, you might be thinking, okay, well, Viv, this is great, but when I go to an interview, I don't have control over the interview.

The interviewer has control over the interview, but most hosts will ask you like, are there specific points and questions? And if you have pitched, then you will have pitched with signature content. You will have given the key points. So they've already got the foundations of the episode. And as a host, Freaking hell, the less work they have to do, the less prep, the, you know, not having to come up with questions, the better.

So if you've already given them like three, four, five key points, they've already got the foundations of, of questions to ask that are aligned to your signature content. Sometimes they'll even say if you've got specific questions you want me to ask or don't want me to ask. But it's about you, like almost going through, you can have this written out if you want next to you when you do an interview.

Checking off, have I covered these kind of key points? Have I got them in? Have I [00:19:00] shifted perspectives, like got people buying into this perspective, shifted beliefs? Have I shared value? Tick, tick, tick. We want that to happen. So yes, although you are not the interviewer, you are the interviewee. You still have a great deal of influence over how the show comes together, how the interview comes together, how the interview flows.

And if you're like me and you can go off on a tangent, you know, be aware of that. Like, remember to rein yourself back in, which is why having that check sheet is really, really useful. And here's the beauty, guys. This is not a one time thing. You are not guessing once. This is something you repeat over and over again.

So you become better. as you go over again. Every episode I record I come away and think, what could I have done differently? What kind of could I have done better? Go and listen to that episode when it's being released. Reflect, review, be critical of yourself and then also praise [00:20:00] yourself. Oh, that was really good.

That was really good. Look at the results. Look at the conversions that you get from those episodes. But again, you've got to take that in proportion. Don't write off an episode. Don't write off your interview technique, your, um, signature content and the quality of your content based on one episode. You need to, like, do this for a while.

Like, run with it for several episodes. Because again, the podcast, you know, you might have a podcast that's got a listener base of 1, 500 people. You might have one that's got a listener base of 500 people. So you kind of need to be, be aware and conscious of that as well because the number of conversions you're going to get will differ depending on the audience size in the first place.

So you have to consider all of these elements when considering whether something is being, is successful and is working and is effective. But as I say, time and time again, we've [00:21:00] got to get enough metrics under our belt in order to do that. Look, if you love what you've heard today and you want more help optimising the conversions that you're getting from every part of your funnel, from audience growth right through to sales, then why not hop on a free 45 minute call with me where we will dig into and uncover the three key areas to focus on in your business right now to shift the needle and start increasing the conversions that you've got coming into your business right now.

Simply head over to vivguy. com forward slash apply vivguy. com forward slash apply and book your free call there. Look, if you love what you've heard here today, I would be so grateful if you would take just 15 seconds at most of your time out of your day to tap the five stars and leave me a rating and a review.

Just one sentence to let me know how we are doing here. And when you do, [00:22:00] Here's the, here's the beautiful thing guys. When you do, I'm gonna enter you into a prize. Draw a free draw, um, where you can win a free 90 minute mentoring call with me. And we draw this every single month. So to begin with a chance, all you've gotta do is spend 15 seconds, tap the five stars and write the sentence and let me know what you think of the show.

You can drop me a DMM with your screenshot on Instagram at viv dot guy, or fire it through on email. Join me on the next episode where we are talking about hot leads and whether or not you still need an email list if podcasting is your core strategy.